Breast cancer is a battle that requires the collaboration of individuals, technology, and science. Regular breast self-exams, clinical breast examinations, ultrasounds or MRIs, and, of course, mammograms are crucial in the detection and prevention of breast cancer. Our friends at highlight the importance of mammograms in the fight against breast cancer.
1. Early detection saves lives Getting a mammogram early can significantly reduce your risk of dying from breast cancer, by 25-30% or more. Women should start getting annual mammograms at age 40 or earlier if they have a higher risk.2. Don't worry Mammograms are quick (around 20 minutes) and discomfort is usually minimal. It's a safe procedure, with only a very small amount of radiation exposure. To reduce anxiety, try to go to a center that can provide you with results before you leave.
3. Choose high-quality mammograms For women with dense breasts or those under 50, getting a digital mammogram is recommended. Digital mammograms are recorded onto a computer, allowing doctors to enlarge and examine specific sections more closely.
5. Stay loyal Once you have found a facility you trust, make an effort to go there for your mammograms every year. This way, your mammograms can be compared from year to year, and any changes can be detected early.
6. Ask about CAD Computer-Aided Detection, or CAD, is a helpful tool that assists radiologists in identifying any areas of concern that may need further attention. Check if your center offers CAD and request it if it's available.
7. Keep it natural Avoid using deodorant or antiperspirant on the day of your mammogram. These products can interfere with the test results and show up on the film. It's only a few hours, so it's best to go natural for the sake of your health.
9. Keep calm and carry on Receiving an abnormal result from a mammogram can be a scary experience, but it's important to remember that it doesn't necessarily mean you have breast cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that about 10% of women who undergo mammograms will require additional tests, and only a small percentage of those women will need a biopsy. Of those biopsies, about 80% turn out to be benign.
10.Time is of the essence It's crucial for women to get their mammograms on a regular basis, beginning at age 40. If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer or have undergone chest radiation therapy in the past, it's recommended that you start getting annual mammograms earlier, sometimes as early as age 30. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best screening plan for your individual needs.