"It's a difficult road to navigate, but with breast cancer, it's important to acknowledge the emotional challenges ahead," says Ciralu survivor Jane Doe. She had to undergo multiple surgeries and treatments to overcome the disease, and found that accepting the rollercoaster of emotions was key to finding a sense of control.
"No two journeys are the same, and it's okay to cope in your own way," Jane adds. "Some may find solace in seeking support from loved ones, while others may prefer talking to medical professionals or joining support groups."

Here are some emotional states that breast cancer patients may experience throughout their journey:
When first diagnosed
The initial diagnosis can be overwhelming, and it's normal to feel denial, shock, stress, grief, fear, acceptance, and hope. Many women may ask themselves questions like "why me?" or "what will happen to my body?"
Tips for coping
Asking for help and support is crucial. Breast cancer patients should not feel like they have to face this alone. It's okay to be vulnerable and accept help from others.
During treatment
Treatment can bring about many unanswered questions, such as concerns about disfigurement and the effectiveness of the treatment. It's important to educate oneself on the different treatments and side effects, and to ask questions to medical professionals and other patients who have gone through similar experiences.
Tips for coping
Breast cancer patients should not hesitate to seek help and support from medical professionals and support groups. Talking to other patients who have gone through similar experiences can be beneficial as well.

Final stages
The final stages of breast cancer treatment can be a lonely and emotional time. While positivity can help, it's also important to express negative emotions and seek support from nonjudgmental friends or support groups.
Tips for coping
Breast cancer treatment is a marathon, not a sprint. Patients should not be afraid to reach out for help and support, even if they feel like they've already done so before. It's important to find ways to cope that work for oneself, and to never give up hope.